


The journal Asklepion: Health Information is a continuous publication, linked to the Health Information research group of the Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia – IBICT. This journal's mission is to offer a space for debate and discussion in the area of Health Information.

Asklepion journal reaches its third issue with changes to its editorial audience. The main one is streaming publishing. Submissions are open permanently, and upon entering the journal system they are immediately forwarded for evaluation and review. The publication of articles does not wait for the completion of periodic issues.

Among the journal's topics of interest are: Studies and theories of information in the health area; Organization of knowledge and management of information in Health; Health information and communication technologies.; Telemedicine and health telematics; Information in healthcare organizations; Automation of hospital medical processes and procedures; Health information and innovation; Artificial intelligence; Health cell phone applications; Information, health and society; Health information and policies; Health information policies.

The journal wants to permanently form a panel of contributions to the construction and criticism of Scientific and Technological Information in Health. We invite readers to follow the continuous publication of the articles in this issue, knowing that they will find more than just unpublished material. These are original works that guide and stimulate thinking and action based on Health Information.


Rio de Janeiro, January 5, 2024.


Clovis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima

Jorge Calmon Biolchini
