Necessary skills to fight misinformation

a study in the context of the social network during the health crisis


  • Joao Pedro da C. Pacheco UFES
  • Meri Nadia Meri Nadia UFES



Access to information, Information competence, Reading competence, Health crisis, Misinformation


A set of skills, knowledge and techniques necessary for the development of reading and information skills that allow the retrieval, understanding and communication of (hyper)textual information in cyberspace are analyzed, leading to the appropriation of reliable news against disinformation during COVID-19 health crisis. The study is carried out in the field of Information Science characterized as exploratory and descriptive, by resorting to bibliographic research and the process of observing the activities of the Network of Studies of Competences of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, which brings together, for the most part, teachers, librarians and other internal and external members of the University. As a result of this investigation, we consider that the inter and transdisciplinary approaches allow the flow of dialogue and articulation with the areas of Librarianship, Communication and Health. We identified the potential contribution of new technologies to the development of reading and information skills during and after the pandemic (global health crisis). In terms of the competences studied, they contemplate the information needs of communities of users connected to digital and social networks in different geographical and temporal contexts. With the identification of the knowledge and actions required for the recovery of reliable information and the use of tools necessary to combat disinformation, we realize that the training actions for these skills must include knowledge and skills on techniques aimed at the process of access, critical evaluation and ethical use. of the enormous volumes of information made available during the health crisis experienced in the second decade of the 21st century.


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Author Biographies

Joao Pedro da C. Pacheco, UFES

Finalist student of the Librarianship Course and former PIIC Scientific Initiation Scholarship in the seventh period and currently a researcher at Rede Brasil receiving a scholarship from Finatec.

Meri Nadia Meri Nadia, UFES

PhD in Information Science from the University of Brasília (UnB), Master in Education and Bachelor in Librarianship from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Adjunct Professor at the Department of Librarianship and at the Graduate Program in Information Science (PPGCI) at the Center for Legal and Economic Sciences (CCJE) at UFES. Leader of the Research Group "Reading competence and information competence: transdisciplinary knowledge and practices in the field of Information Science" certified by CNPq.


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How to Cite

DA C. PACHECO, J. P.; MERI NADIA, M. N. Necessary skills to fight misinformation: a study in the context of the social network during the health crisis. Asklepion: Informação em Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 2, n. 1, p. 139–159, 2022. DOI: 10.21728/asklepion.2022v2n1.p139-159. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.