ight technologies in disease prevention and health promotion

the semiology of the face in traditional chinese medicine





Tecnologias leves. Medicina Chinesa. Avaliação facial. Prevenção de doenças.


Modern medicine, based on hard Technologies, is focused on biology and diseases, often being ineficiente in the field ineficiente in the field of prevention, in addition to not carrying a welcoming approach to the patient.  Traditional medicines make use of light technologies to assess people and carry na integrative and welcoming approach, with a Strong potential fo disease prevention and low financial cost, oftentimes They are the Only alternative care for poor people without access to medical services.  The semiology of the face is used as a formo f diagnostic evaluation in some traditional medicines, including Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through some features on the face, we can analyze energy imbalances even before symptoms appear, allowing a preventive intervention through changes in habits, acupunture, physical activities, diet and use of herbs, thus avoiding illness. In 2016 i did master reseach on facial evaluation in Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the EICOS program, UFRJ and i will bring one of the case studies with a participant to illustrate the text and contribute to the disussion about the importance of light Technologies in the field of the case studies with a pparticipant to illustrate the text and contribute to the discussion about the importance of light Technologies in the field of disease prevention.


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How to Cite

CASTRO, M. R. de. ight technologies in disease prevention and health promotion: the semiology of the face in traditional chinese medicine. Asklepion: Informação em Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 2, n. 2, p. 18–26, 2023. DOI: 10.21728/asklepion.2023v2n2.p18-26. Disponível em: https://asklepionrevista.info/asklepion/article/view/74. Acesso em: 22 oct. 2024.