Resignification of cultural-medical memories Bahia - Sergipe – Portugal

digital platform


  • Zeny Duarte de Miranda UFBA
  • Salim Silva Souza IFS



Medical-Cultural, Digital memory, Medical SiS and Culture, Doctors – Bahia – Sergipe, Doctors – Portugal


These will be studies aimed at contributing to the research “Doctors and culture in Portugal and Brazil: an introspective and analytical look(s) on the medical-cultural 'way of being and being'” as a challenge to Science da Informação, started at the University of Porto – Portugal, in 2006, through the original project "Doctors and culture: critical study and general guide to the archives of medical writers, artists and thinkers from Portugal and Bahia - Brazil (1808 – 2012) )”, extending to the present day and, at this moment, also contemplating the state of Sergipe, under the aegis of the scientific cooperation agreement between the Federal University of Bahia and the University of Porto, Portugal and, more closely, with the participation of the Federal Institute of Sergipe. At the same time, the innovation of the studies presented herein is one of its results, the SiS Médicos e a Cultura Digital Platform, a system adapted to the storage of informational data about life, work, thought and documentary collections s personnel of doctors from Brazil and Portugal who produced beyond medicine, available in the cloud, for the purpose of worldwide coexistence with Cloud Computing (Cloud Computing). It is guided, therefore, by the conceptual theoretical foundation based on productions by Raffestin (1993), Saracevic (1996), Luhmann (2007), Duarte and Silva (2016), among other scholars and thinkers of common areas, focusing on the analytical/argumentative procedure on the developments of the research that subsidize the excavation (FOUCAULT, 2008) now intended for the public of the Asklepion Magazine - Health Information and beyond. The problematization highlights the process of creation of cultural doctors, in Brazil and Portugal, little discussed and publicized, with regard to doctors' choices between producing only science or abandoning it or accumulating it with cultural and humanistic legacies. Information Science, at this level, is called to review the contemporary scenario, permeated by digital technologies, with concerns, such as: Are the personal, documentary and informational collections of medical-cultural being preserved for future generations? Does medicine recognize Information Science as a protagonist in document management and information sharing? Is the concept of cultural-medical found, from now on, in the context of post-custodial thinking?


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Author Biographies

Zeny Duarte de Miranda, UFBA

Doutora em Letras pela UFBA, Pós-Doutora em Ciência da Informação em Plataformas Digitais pela Universidade do Porto (U.Porto), professora titular da UFBA. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa G-ACERVOS - Memória, Patrimônio, Cultura, Informação e Plataformas Digitais. Memorialista. Escritora.

Salim Silva Souza, IFS

Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Bacharel em Biblioteconomia e Documentação (ICI-UFBA). Bibliotecário e pesquisador do Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS). Líder do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre História das Bibliotecas de Ensino Superior do Estado de Sergipe (GEPHIBES). Escritor.


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How to Cite

MIRANDA, Z. D. de .; SOUZA, S. S. . Resignification of cultural-medical memories Bahia - Sergipe – Portugal: digital platform. Asklepion: Informação em Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 1, n. 2, p. 55–69, 2021. DOI: 10.21728/asklepion.2021v1n2.p55-69. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.